Dan Mahaffie is the love of my life, my husband. Aside from being extremely talented in many things (music, anything athletic, the occasional prank, etc) he is an associate pastor at Sequoia Heights Baptist church here in Manteca, CA. Dan is currently finishing up his Master of Divinity at Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary in Mill Valley, CA. As if being husband, dad, pastor, and student were not enough to keep his days full, Dan is also the head coach for the freshman girls softball team at one of the high schools here in town. His days are full but Dan is great at getting it all done and doing an amazing job at all he does.
Together we have two amazing kids, Taylor & Cameron.
Taylor is an adventure seeking, dirt loving, gymnastics going, song singing (seriously, every minute she is awake she is singing a song) sweet spirited 4 year old. Although she is "4" on paper, we rarely feel like we are speaking with a 4 year old when we talk to her. The girl is smart and funny! Taylor is about to 'graduate' from Pre-K and will begin Kindergarten in the fall (seriously, how is that possible?!) She is full of questions all the time but be careful how you answer, she will remember exactly what you say for the rest of her life (and she isn't afraid to repeat what you say either)! Taylor loves her little brother with such a sweetness and gentleness we never expected. She is a true joy to our family.
Cameron is going to be turning 2 at the end of June. He is proving to us every day how night and day two kids can be in the same family. Cameron is a sweet, fun loving boy as well but he has his own, um shall we say, strong-willed ways of going about things. Currently Cameron's favorite activities include any type of car (real or toy) and anything involving a ball. He also enjoys puzzles and telling you the letters and numbers he sees on every sign, book, paper, etc. He is adding more and more words to his vocabulary each day. It helps when you have a sister that uses words like "hypothesis" helping you out. Currently Cameron is beginning his potty training endeavour. We are at the "priming/brain washing" stage at the moment. He doesn't know it yet, but he will quickly learn to love the idea of no more diapers! (well, at least mommy is LOVING the idea). Cameron is teaching us more about gentleness and patience every day.
And me, I am Carrie Mahaffie. As you can gather from the above I am a wife and a mother. God as afforded me the amazing opportunity to stay home with my family rather than working outside of the home. I am still amazed daily at the depth of this wonderful blessing and responsibility, to get to walk with God through this amazing journey. I have hobbies and interests like everyone else. But they mostly revolve around spending time with my stud husband and fabulous kids! I would have it no other way. I don't want a life of 'my own'. I can't imagine my life apart from the three amazing faces at the top of this page. So the world can think I am 'weak' for not chasing after their ideal image of a 'strong woman' and I am fine with that. We understand that without Christ in the center of our family we will fail miserably at everything.
So there is a little info about us.
But who we ARE: We are the Mahaffie's, a family striving to honor God in all we say, do and are.
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