As usual, the summer has passed in a hot blur. Although it has been loaded with tons of fun, adventures, vacation, birthdays, re-uniting with long time friends, visits with family, fun ministry opportunities, etc. I have failed to blog about any of it. Purely out of simply not taking the time to do it. So for anyone out there that has been eagerly awaiting to know what has been going on in the lives of the Mahaffie's, I am so sorry to let you down. We are busy as usual. However, I am not going to use this posting to catch you up on the past 2 months of our lives. I may eventually get pictures up of some of our adventures, we will just have to see how that goes.
Dan and I have been meaning to go through a DVD series we purchased a while back on parenting. Tonight we finally cracked open the case and watched the first session. In the brief 25 minute long session God showed me once again how I let my busyness and task oriented self get in the way of giving my best to my kids. Not because I am ignoring my children in order to get stuff done (God revealed that major area of sin a while back and I refuse to go back). Rather, I am failing to see God in the mundane tasks of everyday life, therefore I fail to show my kids the awe of God in every aspect of our lives. I came across this little story in a book I am reading and I think it will better illustrate what I am trying to say:
"The story is told of three women washing clothes. A passerby asks each what she is doing.
'Washing clothes' was the first answer.
'A bit of household drudgery' was the second.
'I'm mothering three young children who some day will fill important and useful spheres in life, and wash-day is a part of my grand task in caring for these souls who shall live forever' was the third."
How often do I look at laundry in the way the third woman responded? Hmmm, wanna guess? My response in usually the first and on a grumpy day probably the second. I include my kids in household duties like laundry and such for a few reasons but I don't always see laundry as an opportunity to point my children to the awe of our God.
I am not writing all of this to say woe is me, I'm a bad mama for not doing these things. I am writing this in excitement and hopefully as a challenge to anyone that may read it. How much more exciting will our days and "tasks" be when we choose to see everything, I mean everything, we do as an opportunity to point our kids to Christ. How much more naturally the gospel flows into conversation rather than coming up with these great theological speeches that leave the 4 year old looking at you like you are speaking a foreign language.
So tomorrow when we all rise and shine early to take Taylor to her first day of Kindergarten (Yippee! and *sniff* already?! all at the same time) I look forward to using my to-do list as opportunities to leave my kids in awe of the grandeur and amazement of our creator.
So the next time you are turning those socks right side out because for some reason NO ONE else seems to know how to do that when they take them off, use the opportunity to thank God for each one the feet that wear those socks, pray for them, make a matching game out of it with your kids, use examples of feet in scriptures (washing of feet, how beautiful are the feet of those that bring good news, etc). God is in the mundane, we just fail to see Him in it therefore we fail to leave our kids in total awe of Him daily.
All of that to say, I am actually a bit excited to do laundry tomorrow and the rest of the things that I have on my list. It's going to be an awe-some day!
LOL!!! My life verse is: God never gives you more than you can handle, just more than you want to do. Enjoy today, the little ones grow up so fast, and remember to make time for yourself too. It's important for the kids to know that you're important too. Sometimes us Mom's forget because we're busy helping the family and others.