Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Magnetic Fun

A few months ago I hosted a Blessings Unlimited party for a friend of mine. Tons of great stuff! One of the items I purchased is a set of ABC faith building magnets. I love the concept of these cute little things! Each magnet has a letter and a faith building concept or challenge to go with it. Example, "T" is for truthful, Say good-bye to a lie.

At first we had all of them scattered all over the fridge. Soon they just became part of the decor and were looked past just like all of the other clutter stuck to the fridge. I decided that I need to come up with a better way to utilize these as a tool rather than colorful clutter but I didn't really have any great ideas so I just left them as is.

Fast forward to today.
An idea finally hit. So, this morning Cameron helped me with a 2 minute craft project. We took a plain white frame (I) hot glued magnets to the back and we used some alphabet stickers for the wording. Tada!

 I realize this isn't a super fabulous, never been done, amazing idea. I'm sure there are even dozens of other ideas out there that are better than this. But this is just perfect for us. Each week we will put a new letter in the frame. Then we will talk about it and find ways to put it into practice that week. It's simplistic and basic. That's what I love most about it. Too often I find myself spinning my wheels trying to come up with the most elaborate ways to do things. It's good to just step back and remember that it really doesn't matter how many hundreds of pinterest pins I have on my boards, showing me how to do everything from painting my nails to organizing my pantry. Don't get me wrong, I love Pinterest and have completed several projects thanks to the inspiration of the creative people on there. But what is more important: having that perfectly organized, alphabetized, sanitized, DIY everything house or a home filled with laughter and life lessons? I strive for a happy balance of the two but if push comes to shove, the dishes will wait and the magnetic spice rack project will have to be created another time. My little ones will never be this age again. I have to pack in as much goodness as I can, while I can. So here's to a simple, fun little frame that my little Cameron helped me make!

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