Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Cameron Kingston

Cameron turns 2 in three weeks. So hard to believe. I know, everyone tells you "they grow up so fast", "enjoy the moments because they are gone way too fast", and so forth. As a mom with little ones, you just politely smile and nod and think to yourself that you will NEVER be done with spit up and explosive diapers. But as we are all finding out on our own, it truly does go by way too fast. We still hold on the the little things that remind us of when they were itty bitty. Sometimes it's using the baby scented lotion as long as we can because we just LOVE that sweet smell as we snuggle with a book after bath time. Other times it's leaving the baby curls as long as possible until one day you realize they are long enough to braid.

We are still enjoying the sweet baby lotion smell during after bath snuggles. But as for the long baby curls, well, those are no longer with us.

My aunt has been doing hair in Orange County longer than I have been alive. She is amazing. She is the only person I trust to cut my hair and my kids hair. Well, I was looking at the boys hair starting to curl INTO his ears I looked at the calendar and realized it will be several weeks before I make a trip down to see my amazing aunt. So, being the smart woman I am, I took matters into my own hands. I decided to cut the cute, long, blond curls myself. I know, at this point, anyone reading this is wincing because you all know what happens next. My poor beautiful, handsome boy received his first REALLY BAD haircut. In my defense, he is a moving target that WILL NOT sit still. Knowing this I decided to do it in the bath while he was distracted with bath toys. Didn't matter, he was still all over the place. And his haircut reflected that. Cameron couldn't care less personally. He had no clue what was going on up top. I, on the other hand knew the extent of my actions and was fearful of daddy coming home to see what I had done. Dan was very nice and gracious about the whole thing. He said, "Well, it isn't long and in his ears anymore. It doesn't look that bad." Then, the more he looked at it, the more he realized the extent of the damage.

Watching the happy little boy run around with a messed up dome finally got to Dan. So tonight, Dan took matters into his own hands. He brought out the clippers. I thought for sure the noise would make our sensitive boy cry in a second (this is the kid that cries every time Dan blows his nose. He HATES big noises.) He did surprisingly well. He just buried his little face into my chest and waited for it to be over. A few minutes later as Cameron and I sat there with the last of his sweet little blond baby curls now laying on my lap I realized: as much as I want to hold onto the baby moments, he is turning into the big boy. And now he has the studly, big boy hair cut to prove it.

I am officially resigning my hair cutting shears and leaving the job to those with real talent in that area. I am so sorry Aunt Mary that I didn't wait for you! I learned my lesson at my poor Cam's expense.

Also, to reserve Cameron's dignity, I did not take any pictures of the REALLY BAD haircut. Sorry if that disappoints anyone.

Next on the list to prove his big boy status: potty training! Just wait until VBS is over little Cam. It's you, me and the potty (and treats for bribing of course)!

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